Research on Water Governance and Urban Water Resilience

I have more than 10 years’ experience in academic and policy research related to water governance and environmental sustainability. This includes professional experience leading research programs in Canada and South Africa, securing and managing research funding, managing staff, and publishing academic articles and other knowledge mobilization products. I have 14 peer-reviewed papers on water resilience, climate change impacts, environmental justice, water as a human right, access to water for marginalized communities, and transformative change in social-ecological systems.

I also have substantial professional experience in organizational development, having worked with international research consortiums spanning North America, Europe, and the Global South. Since 2018, I have worked for the Government of Canada on federal policy and program design, including strategic planning for investments in water infrastructure and natural infrastructure. Since joining the Canada Water Agency Transition Office in 2020, I have focussed on aspects of strategic water policy and other investments in fresh water that are key to the development of the agency’s mandate and priorities.

I am also an Adjunct Professor at the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability (University of British Columbia). Areas of research work include water governance, water resilience, climate change adaptation, natural infrastructure, and evidence-based decision-making.

I have a Master’s and a PhD in environmental resource management and sustainability with a major focus on water governance, with extensive training in qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Embracing Pragmatism in Modern Dating

In today’s fast-paced world, the landscape of dating has transformed dramatically, influenced heavily by technology and changing social norms. This evolution has introduced new opportunities and challenges for those seeking romantic connections. Being pragmatic—practical and grounded in reality—about modern dating is essential for navigating this complex terrain effectively. Interestingly, the realm of professional escorts, who engage in straightforward and mutually understood interactions, can offer valuable perspectives on approaching dating with a pragmatic mindset. This article explores how adopting pragmatism can enhance your dating experiences, offering strategies for meaningful connections in the digital age.

Setting Realistic Expectations

The first step in a pragmatic approach to modern dating is setting realistic expectations. The portrayal of romance in media and the seemingly endless choices available on dating apps can skew perceptions of what relationships should look like, leading to disappointment.

Lessons on Expectations from Escorts

Clear Boundaries and Intentions: Professional female escorts operate within a framework of clear expectations and boundaries, ensuring both parties understand the nature of their interaction. Similarly, being upfront about your intentions and what you’re looking for in a relationship can prevent misunderstandings and foster more genuine connections.

Embracing Flexibility: Just as escorts adapt to the varying needs and desires of their clients, being flexible and open-minded in your dating approach can lead to more satisfying and unexpected outcomes. Recognizing that no person or relationship is perfect allows for a more accepting and realistic view of dating.

Nurturing Authentic Connections

In an age dominated by online profiles and virtual interactions, fostering authentic connections has become increasingly challenging yet more important than ever. Being pragmatic involves recognizing the value of authenticity and striving for genuine interactions.

Prioritizing Quality Over Quantity

Focus on Meaningful Interactions: The professional dynamics between escorts and clients emphasize quality interactions, where both parties’ needs are acknowledged and met. Applying this principle to modern dating means focusing on depth and quality of connections rather than the number of matches or dates.

Honest Communication: Just as escorts communicate openly with clients, clear and honest communication is vital in dating. Expressing your true self and desires can lead to stronger, more meaningful connections, cutting through the superficiality that often plagues modern dating.

Coping with the Challenges of Dating

The path to finding a compatible partner is rarely smooth, filled with its fair share of setbacks and disappointments. A pragmatic approach to modern dating includes preparing for these challenges and handling them with resilience.

Embracing Rejection as Part of the Process

Learning from Each Experience: In the escort-client relationship, not every interaction leads to a long-term connection, and that’s understood and accepted. Similarly, in dating, rejection should be seen as a natural part of the process, providing valuable lessons and directing you closer to the right match.

Maintaining a Positive Outlook: Remaining optimistic and not allowing setbacks to diminish your self-worth is crucial. By adopting a pragmatic perspective, you can view each dating experience as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than a failure.


Adopting a pragmatic approach to modern dating involves setting realistic expectations, fostering authentic connections, and navigating the inherent challenges with resilience. The world of professional escorts, with its straightforward interactions and emphasis on mutual satisfaction, offers insightful parallels for those navigating the complexities of modern romance. By embracing pragmatism, individuals can approach dating in a way that is both fulfilling and grounded in reality, leading to deeper connections and a more satisfying romantic life. In the end, being pragmatic about modern dating is about finding balance—between heart and mind, hope and reality, and the journey and the destination.